New Hampshire Connects for Health Conference
New Hampshire Connects for Health is the second summit for the creation of a statewide health information exchange network in New Hampshire.
The first summit held in the fall attended by providers, payers, government, citizen groups, legislators, quality organizations, academics, business leaders, and technology providers, was well received and demonstrated that there was strong support to engage in the planning of such a system of health information exchange.
In response, the University of New Hampshire NH Health Information Center and the New Hampshire Citizen’s Initiative with support from e Health Initiative, Anthem, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, CIGNA, MVP Healthcare, and Patriot Healthcare is currently in phase one of “The New Hampshire Health Care Interconnectivity Project”.
As part of phase one, the University of New Hampshire NH Health Information Center is conducting an assessment of the current HIT adoption and capabilities in the state by all stakeholders. An overview of stakeholders’ views regarding the opportunities and challenges related to HIT and health information exchange and a high-level inventory of existing projects will be presented at the summit.
Our goal for the summit is to establish a shared vision and set of goals and objectives, and a high-level set of recommendations for the development of health information exchange within New Hampshire. Participants will also learn of regional and state-based exchange activities through presentations and panel discussions.
Please join us and health industry leaders from across the state and nationally on June 20th for this seminal event. More information…
Health Data Inventory
In 2002, the New Hampshire Health Data Inventory (HDI) was created through the Empowering Communities Project. The NHHIC now stewards the HDI. This web-based inventory catalogues and describes available data sets and reports that contain health data relevant to the state of New Hampshire.
When available, links to the data steward, data, or report are also provided. The website is regularly updated, and additional data sources are added to the inventory throughout the year. With funding from the ASPE project and Endowment for Health, the website is being redesigned to accommodate and better organize a greater number of data sources. National and other sources of data will be added in late 2004, with a new look to the website.
Synthetic Urine Research Project
The University of New Hampshire NH Health Information Center is undertaking a project focused on researching synthetic urine. This project aims to understand the implications and potential applications of synthetic urine, particularly in the context of drug testing. In collaboration with healthcare providers, researchers, and industry experts, the center is exploring the development and use of synthetic urine for various purposes.
The project seeks to establish guidelines and recommendations for the detection and management of synthetic urine, especially in critical areas like workplace safety and healthcare. The initiative also aims to foster collaboration among stakeholders to address challenges and share insights related to synthetic urine.
- How to Make Fake Urine for Department of Health and Human Services Testing
- Department of Health and Human Services: Synthetic Urine’s Protein and Sugar Levels
- How to Hide Synthetic Urine from Department of Health and Human Services
- Does Synthetic Urine Work? Unpacking Department of Health and Human Services Guidelines
- The Urinator Review: an Electric Urine Warmer Device For Drug Tests
- Clear Choice Quick Luck Review: Best for Passing a Drug Test on Short Notice
- Clear Choice Incognito Belt Review: Discreet and Reliable Fake Urine Kit
- Clear Choice Sub Solution Synthetic Urine: The Top Pick for Seasoned Users
- Test Clear Urine Review: Reliable Powdered Synthetic Urine for a Drug Test
- The Best Methods for Storing Pee for an Upcoming Drug Test
- Effective Methods for Keeping Your Pee Warm and Passing Your Drug Test with Confidence
- Best Fake Urine Holders to Pass a Drug Test Without Getting Caught
- Cheaper Whizzinator Alternatives You Can Trust!
- A Woman’s Guide to Passing Drug Tests: Top 4 Urine Substitution Devices Reviewed
- Best Synthetic Urine and Fake Pee Kits to Pass Drug Test with Confidence
Prove It! Let the Data Tell the Story
Prove It! Let the Data Tell the Story is a hands-on course focusing on the use of data and basic statistics commonly used in public health. NH community leaders expressed the need for training about using data to support their efforts to improve the health of their communities, and Prove It! was conceptualized by the Empowering Communities project to meet that need. Prove It! provides a basic understanding of why we use data and how to use data in community health assessment and monitoring, using the specific focus on writing grant applications as the example. The NHHIC oversees and conducts the Prove It! trainings. Register for Prove It!
NH Division for Juvenile Justice Services (DJJS) Collaboration
The NHHIC team is working with the NH DJJS on two data projects (the Disproportionate Minority Contact project and the Workload Guidelines project). The NHHIC work includes assistance in the development of a tool to streamline data entry for the risk assessment and the analysis of data collected as part of the initiatives.
Drug Testing Research Project
The University of New Hampshire NH Health Information Center is leading a project to advance drug testing methods, focusing on improving accuracy and efficiency. The center is working with healthcare providers, research institutions, and technology companies to develop innovative testing techniques.
The project aims to establish best practices for drug testing across sectors like healthcare, law enforcement, and workplace safety, while fostering collaboration among experts and stakeholders.
- Report: Creating Educational Materials to Raise Awareness About the Importance of Drug Testing in Patient Care
- Comprehensive Report: Development and Implementation of Standardized Protocols for Drug Testing in New Hampshire’s Healthcare Settings
- Report on the Implementation and Outcomes of Centralized Drug Testing Laboratory
- Implementation and Outcomes of a State-wide Drug Testing Practices Survey in Healthcare Facilities of New Hampshire
- A Report on the Successful Completion and Outcomes for New Hampshire’s Healthcare Professionals
- Does Toxin Rid Detox Pills Really Work? – A Comprehensive Review
- Review of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo: Does It Really Help You Pass a Hair Follicle Drug Test?
- How to Pass a Hair Follicle Drug Test: Proven Methods That Work
- Best Shampoos to Pass Hair Follicle Drug Test in 2024
- Reviewing the Fast Marijuana Detox Kit – Does it Actually Help You Pass a Drug Test?
- How to Use Certo and Gatorade to Pass a Drug Test
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